⚠️ Use only on private computers!

This instruction should be used to configure private computers only!

Do not use it on university-issued computers. These computers are equipped with the Microsoft Outlook application that would configure the account settings automatically without any user input.

Step 1: Launch new account wizard

If this is the first time you launch the Microsoft Outlook app, the new account wizard will launch automatically.

If not, open the File menu in the app's upper left corner, then find the Informations panel and click the Add account button:

Step 2: Enter server parameters and your credentials

Click Next until you reach the screen below and fill in the form:

Name and surnamename and surname; this value will be visible to your recipients
Adres e-mailyour e-mail address (e.g. n.surname@uksw.edu.pl)

After filling the form, press Next. The Outlook app will discover the server configuration and lead you through the next steps.

Step 3: Enter credentials (when asked for)

If your identifier differs from the first part of your e-mail address (before the @ character), the Outlook app will prompt you with additional question for account credentials. You have to enter your credentials following the instructions below:

  1. Click the Use another account button.
  2. Enter credentials. When entering your login, prepend it with "DOMENA\" string, ie. "DOMENA\identifier".
  3. (optionally) Select the Remember my credentials option to not have to enter them each time you launch the Outlook app.
  4. Click the OK button.